Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What do progressives think of the 9th and 10th amendments?

Classic liberals love our Constitution and we wish it went even a step further with granting rights and limiting our central government.

Did I do the wrong thing for standing up for myself to co workers?

Just ignore her. This is probably the first job she ever had with a title and it's going through her head. Just do your job and leave her to her own devices. Don't worry eventually she'll dig a deep enough grave to fall into, just be patient.

Are there still people who devote every moment of their life to religion?

i have a friend who devotes every moment of his life to his god, he wont even watch a movie because thats time he could spend praying

Been feeling very off lately, and having INTENSE cravings?

well, first of all, i have crohns disease and cysts as well. i know that when i have raw fruits i get really sick. cravings are part of the disease i get it too. ive told my g.i. doc and he said its normal. i would suggest not having those foods and eat pretty plain and bland for awhile. it worked for me although i still get sick from eating certain things here and there. crohn's sucks; ugh.

Afraid i made a bad impression at work today?

It sounds like you are doing a great job going by what you have said. You are being pro-active and enthusiastic. Don't worry. As long as you are eager to chip in and do the work and don't think anything is beneath you, then you will do just fine.

Do you believe the U.S. Attorney General could objectively judge which guns to ban?

No. History proves this. There will far too many people trying to classify as many firearms as they possibly can in the ban, even if they don't belong there. Try to give a little, and someone will take too much. It would be based completely on politics instead of scientific data.

Any advice about this man?

Go on with life, your always gonna have a jerk teacher. Be the bigger person and don't make a scene, he does his job well, ignore the other parts, maybe gossip to other students to blow off some steam.

How to deal with being the outcast of the office...?

You could have handled this better. You complied with Hr's requests, then all of a sudden you stopped. I think it could have been handled amicably and professionally but now it's out of hand. I'm not saying you shouldn't stand up for yourself, I'm just saying you could have handled it better. What are the Managers doing about it?

What's a daughter to do?

Well, do what you can; do the whole convenience/obligation as a "good daughter" to help him out as much as possible, but also look for a job to pay the loans off and what rent you're willing to pay him for. Just until you're done paying off student loans and are able to stand on your feet to live on your own (or with a roommate).

Question for ladies only?????????/?

today is my 14th day of my periods and they stopped after 4days of 11/6/2011 and i took follicular test on my 14th day that is today it shows that my follicle length is 24 mm and endometriosis is 5mm so i wud like to know when my follicle will be ruptured and when my egg will be released.please can anyone tell which day ill be ovulating so that i wanna plan my pregnancy sure as i mentioned my follicle length is 24mm today(14th day of my period)so please tell me exactly when ill ovulate.thanks.

I think he likes me but I'm not 100% sure?

He can't decide if he likes you yet! He hasn't told anyone about the maybe crush! So he keeps it to himself but is pretty sure he likes you deep down inside. If you like him tell your friends to ask him if he is fond with you or really good friends! Or ask him yourself he seems sweet, and if you trust him! I hope this helped!


I have two questions.Why did he step down from all government and party posts and the delegates agreed to modify Cuba's socialist economy and adopt a partial introduction of market principles?

I am starting to freak out about my head?

since i can remember i have had a really weird sensation about once every one or two months. i know it is nothing like a sezier or dizzyness. instead it is an actual physical occurence in my head. at the back and the bottom of my hea like near my neck. it happenes whenever i move suddenly and vigorously. it feels like i have torn apart a blood vessel as it becomes very hot very quickly and it seriously hurts. I also think it could be a nerve problem because whenever i rupture it, i feel my tounge get a pins and needles sensation. also my head tilts to the side as if i try and lift it up, it makes it hurt more. please can anyone who recognises the symptoms or specialises in this area please help me. thanks

If Obamacare is so horrible why do most doctors support it?

How are most delegates "most doctors"? That's like saying that most Congressmen are lawyers, therefore most Americans are lawyers. They're representatives to a body and this is not a poll.

Does an ear bleed if the eardrum isn't ruptured?

Yesterday, my 3 year old son woke up screaming and crying. I finally got him calmed down, but he would start screaming if I touched his ear and I saw some puss in it, so I took him to the ER. When we got there, I saw a bit of blood. They had to clean his ear with peroxide to see inside it and he does have an ear infection, but they said they didn't see a perforation. They gave him antibiotics. I just noticed more blood in his ear and I'm worried. Is it possible that his eardrum ruptured? That happened to him once before, but then he had a lot of blood and it was running out of his ear. This time there's just a little bit of blood inside the ear.

Boyfriend stole from my brother.?

So my boyfriend stole an ipod from my brother and I found out because I saw it in my boyfriends bedroom. Then I asked him about it and he said he was just borrowing it and then we discussed everything. I forgave him and everything but I'm worried it will happen again. I don't trust him by himself in my room or any room in my house. What should I do? Thank you very much!

Achilles rupture question?

i am 6 weeks post op.....everything is fine except that my foot turns kinda redish/purple after showering, after elevating it, it returns to its normal color.... is this normal?

I friends girl is sleeping with her ex, should i say something?

You have to consider if your going to get Chris's sister in trouble if you should share this information and you also have to consider that sometimes telling the truth and doing the right thing can come back to bite you in the butt. Think this through with all people involved and what are the pros's and con's if you should reveal this truth.

What would you do if your Step-mother-in-law sent you this email?

actual or not...... seems one uncouth was being chided by one overbearing snob......... however.... the points of manners are correct as stated.... generally appropriate most every where in "civilized" societies.... sadly children are not being taught as they once were...... in this case both involved were in violation

So who didnt report rangers for sectarian singing?

Good to see Satans Stormtroopers being brought to task for their ugliness and moronic singing the worlds a safer place with no huns at hampden and in Europe for two games anyway ,the world sleeps safer tonight thanks to F A R E .

Is it possible I had a very early on miscarriage?

Yeah it was most likely a miscarriage and the good news is it completely expelled itself on its own. Sometimes pieces are left behind and you need surgery or risk infection. About 50% of conception ends in miscarriage but only 30% of conceptions are diagnosed pregnancies that end in miscarriage. 20% of conceptions end in miscarriage and the mother never knows she was pregnant. It just looks like a late extra heavy, extra crampy period. The intense pain usually subsides after the actual fetal tissue and placental tissue pass. I am sorry for your loss. If you are trying to have a baby wait at least one normal menstrual period before you try again. Odds are your next period will be perfectly healthy.

Ovarian cyst and missed period? Help :(?

precum can get u pregnant but also cysts can make ur period late so u could take a test to find out so ur not worried bout it anymore..

I was told that the pressure in an F-5 tornado ruptures the eyeballs of many of the victims, is this possible?

I have never been in a tornado but I have been several times in storms at sea. What I experienced is this: In wind (sum of the storm and the speed of the vessel) speed that makes it impossible to stand on deck without holding oneself, it is impossible to look toward the wind; it really pulls your eyelids in a painful way. But there is no way that it can rupture your eyeballs. Here is a good reason: before it would do that, it would first kill you by increasing the pressure of the air entering you mouth in a way that your lungs won't withstand it. If you have seen tests made by people standing in a wind tunnel as use to test aircraft, you know what I mean.

Masons and Eastern Stars, Insight Please =)?

She could bring you in if you wanted to be a Eastern Star. From what I know you don't have to have a blood relation to be a Free Mason. The free means your free to join or not join and you cannot be forced or intimated and cohered to join with hand shakes and promises to be taken care of. I suppose a Eastern Star could invite a person with Free Mason ties to join with that order. The Eastern Stars are generally wives and daughters of Free Mason lodge members. You can be a Eastern Star without formality.

Was this an irresponsible way of describing the difference to an 8 year old?

No, it wasnt, and if your wife has a problem with how you discuss "big" topics with your children, maybe she should have married someone else. Sitting around waiting for your partner to get home to discuss everything makes it seem as if you're not capable of having an independent opinion. At 8, I wouldnt have gone into any detail about how the "parts" fit together, simply explained that sometimes people love someone of their own gender, kids tend to follow up with more questions if they're not satisfied yet, I normally start with a very simple explanation and give more detail if requested.

Have i ovulated if the follicle is still visible(19mm) along with 'minimal POD fluid'?

so i'm on my first cycle of clomiphene (100mg) n have had 2 shots of hcg (5000 each within 3 days) n today is cd 19 for me. went for follicular monitoring today n was told d follicle has grown since my last visit but hasn't ruptured yet. d radiologist then said that i have minimal POD fluid which means i have ovulated or the process has just started but has asked me to come back tomorrow for confirmation of the same. just wanna find out asap so thought of asking for some help from here. my DH n i have been TTC for a year any help would relieve d stress. thank u! :)

Isn't it a sad commentary on our society when a 59 year old man is reduced to having to rob a bank in order to?

actually, I've thought about doing that. just not for $1.00. The judge would probably throw the case out and I'd be right back where I was. figure maybe take all the cash and go to a diner and get a meal while I wait

Are My Self-Esteem Issues Bad Enough That I Might Need To Seek Help For It?

I'm 13 years old and have extremely low self-esteem. I constantly worry about what others think of me to the point if I even walk in a room and someone looks my way I'm afraid their criticizing me on how I look and what I do and then sit there and think of all the horrible things their probably thinking right then. If someone points out the smallest of things wrong with how I look I feel like a total moron and hide my face for the rest of the day til i can get home because I'm positive everyone else noticed it too. When I talk to people that are even somewhat-popular I get scared and panic. If I actually do something right, and someone congratulates me for it, I'm think that I did it wrong and their just trying to make me feel better. For example, in Volleyball, I sort-of spiked the ball and it got us a point and all my team mates were clapping for me. Absolutely hating the attention on me, I tried to turn the attention to the girl who had bumped it to me and ended up just getting an odd look from everyone and making me feel even worse. I'm afraid of doing something stupid or weird in front of my friends because I'm worried they'll stop wanting to hang out with me. If I tell a trusted friend a secret, I feel like a retard for the next week or so. I can't stand to wear a shirt than even comes close to hinting at stomach fat (but I don't wear very lose clothing because I think that makes me look fatter) I'm scared, I'm worried, and I'm always on an edge at school. Is it bad enough that I may need to seek help for it? I more than likely won't because it is not something I am willing to discuss with my parents (I know I'll regret it the next day and for the next month) and nor do I want to; but I was just wondering if it seems to be that bad.....

Boss is a complete bully! Your opinion?

I think you should continue to do your job like you always do. There will usually be someone who makes you nervous, but you just have to nod and go on with your duty. Don't show them any fear or let them intimidate you. As for her, well, she might get caught eventually for not knowing about her job. It's her loss for not asking for help with her duties because that will surely help her. You can continue finding a job if you want, but don't really let her bother you with her insecurities. I know someone who makes me a bit nervous, but I have had others say the same thing, so I just know that I am not alone like you are with your coworkers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Which sport should I play Volleyball or Softball? (read description)?

I never played either sport....... i only do Track & Field, the shotput and discuss..... i think i will be good in both volleyball and softball. I can catch a ball no matter how high or low it is, i can strike a ball harder than most.... . and im 5'8 1/2 ........... i wish i can do both but for my high school, they are both in the same season. can someone please give me advice on which one to pick....... please and thank you :)

What can i do vet over retraint my dog?

my vet over restraint my Chihuahua during a xray for her back and legs, when i picked her up she had brused eys and ruptured blood vessels in both eys. i had taken her in for a very high fever105 degrees and explained her back legs seem to be weak,. he seen to be very casual about her eyes and said she hit her during the restraint, later i found out she had been mussed and held by her head and struggled alot. THIS SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED! i told him. a couple of days later i had to return because her temp was up again, my dog was very nervous while being examimed, he started to give her a shot and she went into a seizier. during the seizure vet seem to not be concerned i had to plea with him to do something 15 mins later her seizure is still going on, he had to sadate her and sent me to a special care vet. with not even a gool luck or good by. 24 hrs later at emerengcy we still don't know why she add seizure or high fever. i beleave my dogs stress from this vet and going back brought this seizure on along with her high fever. i think this vet should pay for all the vet bill and extra emergency cost. my little chi is only 5 lbs. we did take pics of her eyes.

How to kill a mouse using potato flakes and water?

If you set up a little container of water and a separate container of water, its ruptures a mouse's stomach but does it blow them up? I don't feel like cleaning up mouse guts out of my carpet. Just sayin'!

How to discuss porn with boyfriend?

I am in a long distance relationship and recently mentioned the issue of porn to my boyfriend. For me it's not a big deal at all, as long as it doesn't affect us, or the way we feel about each other. He never really admitted to watching it, but I know he does. Last night, on accident, I stumbled across a profile he has on a porn site. Normally I wouldn't care, except he lied to me and said he couldn't talk last night because he was tired and fell asleep for awhile. He was really logged into this site. I feel weird about the whole thing and a little betrayed. It makes me wonder how many times he has lied to me. I know if I bring this up, it's not going to end well, but I sort of want to just for my own sanity. I always try very hard to do little things to let him know how much I love him, especially since we are so far away, but it's stuff like this that makes me feel so not wanted or special to him. Am I being weird and is this something I should just let go? Thanks for your help!

Can you make your EEOC attorney accept a settlement?

There was a settlement offer from my previous employer in my discrimination case. I turned down the first amount under the guidence of my attorney. Since then they made one more offer and my EEOC attorney turned it down without asking me. I would like to settle instead of going to trial. The offer was made a couple of months ago and one of my attorneys say they will check into settling but never gets back with me and my other EEOC attorney keeps saying there is no offer on the table. I just want to settle. They tell me I cannot discuss anything with my former employer without them but I am not getting anywhere when I talk to them. They just seem to want to go to trial. What should I do?

Libertarians: Is the NWS constitutional?

Most Libertarians would be more inclined to chose the people over the state. However, in the constitutional perspective it works both ways.

Anyone know about the rumors regarding 3rd person in 'Jack ***' star Ryan Dunn's accident who fled the scene?

I am in West Chester, PA and there are reports that a 3rd person ran into the woods to hide from Police. As you know, the 2 bodies in the vehicle were not buckled in. It doesn't mean the 3rd person wasn't wearing his seat belt, he very well may have been. He may have climbed out of the car as he smelled gas from the ruptured gas tank or maybe it was already burning by that point. Either way, the person who supposedly climbed out and ran into the woods is going to be in serious trouble. They had dogs running in the woods today and why would they do that? What are they tracking that close to the scene of the accident? It may all be coincidence, but rumors are floating around also and one of the guys that was with them hasn't been seen since they all left the bar. If the person who ran was driving the car, he can be brought up on involuntary manslaughter charges.

Should i euthanize my cat? :-(?

My cat has cancer & it has spread to her blood stream & her health is not improving. she is about 13-14 years old and she just recently had surgery to remove a ruptured tumor that was on her mammary chain/wall underneath her stomach. She currently has three more tumors on her stomach again, face, and shoulder area. Should i euthanize her?

Are the jurors in the casey anthony trial allowed contact with people?

They've been on trial for 42 days and I was just wondering if they are allowed contact with family and friends so long as they aren't in contempt (discuss the trial).

I was forced to abort now I can not live?

Listen what you're going through is probably tough, but it was MEANT to happen, you cannot stop it. He died for a reason beyond you're controll and you cannot sit and greef in his death. You can have another, and you will move on, time heals everything. Theres not much more to say about that.

When Hillary steals the nomination from Obama at the convention, what will his supporters do?

It's clear that Hillary cannot get the nomination through the established primary/caucus system. Obama's lead, though small, is insurmountable. So, Hillary will steal the nomination by pressuring superdelegates and by seating the Florida and Michigan delegates elected in their primaries. When this happens (and it certainly will because the Clintons will not be denied the nomination), what will the millions of loyal Obama supporters do?

I want to go to prestigious colleges...but...?

You don't need to take 10 AP classes. Universities understand that not every school offers a lot of AP classes. So if you take all of the AP classes that your school offers, that shows you are challenging yourself.

If all living things were magically rendered dead?

It seems to me that there will always be oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen can be produced from the decomp and reactions involving a multitude of oxides. The amount would be dramatically less than today's level but once the element is introduced into the system it would be hard to totally eliminate it. It's like trying to totally eliminate a recessive allele from a gene pool. Also volcanic activity has a hand in keeping the atmosphere rich in oxygen. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Would you be able to walk with a ruptured groin muscle?

I did my Duke of Edinburgh this weekend and now cannot lift my right leg much higher than about 10cm of the ground, I'm pretty sure I've pulled my groin muscle, but I want to know if i've simply pulled it or possibly ruptured the whole muscle? If I had would i be able to walk even if it were painful?

Why was it a good thing Canada stayed out of the Iraq 2003 war (10 points)?

Well I can tell you two things well first we didn't have te man power at that time to maintain two wars with the military we had at that time right now we only have one fighting division (1st division) which is maid up of 3 brigades which is 9 battalions of infantry which at that time were all under strength and that's not the whOle army there's a lot of units I'm leaving out but that's are main fighting force and at that time because are government did not care about the military not saying who (liberals) but they hated the military we did not have the equipment to do it are the soldiers they also did not have the funding are support for it plus then Canada was a little mad at the USA is a small factor but now we have a government that cares are are armed forces the consertives with are great leader Stephen Harper oh another reason why is because we knew there were no weapons of mass destruction because Iraq did not have the ability to make any after isreal destroyed there only nuclar plant and we actually did go to Iraq in the officer exchange program over a100 Canadian officers led the colation under American command plus we sent a few navel destroyers Oh and the under strength thing the reason why is because right now it 3battilions to get ready for a tour one in operation one begging training to get ready and one finishing training plus the Canadian military was worn down already so we just couldn't do it

Do you like this opening for my book?

some of the language is a bit off (e.g. "...I had shove myself into..."). These small things could cost you if you sent this to a publisher. If they see small mistakes in the opening, they are likely to throw it straight in the scrap-heap. Which would be a shame, I should add, because this has potential.

Cost of a ruptured anal gland?

I'm taking my poor little dog to the vet tomorrow, but luckily I'll be using a discount vet referral service in my area to provide me with the cheapest service possible since I'm short on cash. I think she has a ruptured anal gland. To make sure I get the best discount, what does it usually cost to fix a ruptured anal gland in a dog? I want to see how much of a discount I get when the discount vet place gives me a referral and cost.

Probability Help Please MATH?

Three research departments have 8, 7 , 9 and members, respectively. If each department is to select a delegate and an alternate to represent the department at a conference, in how many ways can this be done?

Have you ever gone to the hospital and it's turned out to be an embarrassing false alarm?

Lol yes i was in heaps of pain and i couldnt get rid of it.......well they took x rays and told me i was f*ll of sh*t literally now thats embarrasing

Why is he acting so mean to me?

I have been with my boyfriend for a month today.When it was very early,things were amazing.He made such an effort to come and see me,pick me up,take me out,even hang out at his house doing nothing.Now he thinks of every excuse to not come to my house....we had a major fight the other day,where i just expressed that he was being very disrespectful to ditch me last minute 3 days in a row.He got extremely offended,and ignored me for 3 days.He would not answer my calls,respond to my messages NOTHING. i called on private number,he answered. I invited him to come ride quad bikes with us...he came and ignored me like i was dead. He got SO majorly pissed off about a simple statement and he still will not forgive me. He messages me now, still acts wierd though.Everytime i try and discuss it with him,he avoids it.He will not come to my house,and he is always too busy for me. We cannot sort anything out unless we spend time together and actually speak our minds. He messages me when i do not message him for the entire day saying " Hey how you was your your just nt gonna speak to me? " PLEASE HELP ME, this is so confusing.... he is so cruel to punish me so harshly for such a small thing.... i want this to work,but he refuses to say sorry or show any kind of acceptance that he is wrong sometimes. He is 22 and i am 18.... i want this to work.... I am an aquarius and he is a cancer. What should I do?

How to discuss porn with boyfriend?

I am in a long distance relationship and recently mentioned the issue of porn to my boyfriend. For me it's not a big deal at all, as long as it doesn't affect us, or the way we feel about each other. He never really admitted to watching it, but I know he does. Last night, on accident, I stumbled across a profile he has on a porn site. Normally I wouldn't care, except he lied to me and said he couldn't talk last night because he was tired and fell asleep for awhile. He was really logged into this site. I feel weird about the whole thing and a little betrayed. It makes me wonder how many times he has lied to me. I know if I bring this up, it's not going to end well, but I sort of want to just for my own sanity. I always try very hard to do little things to let him know how much I love him, especially since we are so far away, but it's stuff like this that makes me feel so not wanted or special to him. Am I being weird and is this something I should just let go? Thanks for your help!

Dexamethesone's real purpose?

As part of the leukemia treatment, i am taking dexa steroids each month for some few days however i have a serious problem with them, they infest my face and head with hives and cause me bad dreams, i have discussed it with my doctors today, tomorrow i should have the answer to whether continue taking them or stop. Are they necessary ?

Do my extra curriculum look good for the Ivies?

Looks about standard for the Ivies and other top schools - it certainly won't make you stand out, but it won't hurt you either. If your grades and test scores are excellent you'll stand about an 8% chance at admission just like everyone else.

Can my stomach rupture from over eating plz!!! READ?

hi im 18 and am a guy. i weigh 138 pounds and almost never able to finish a full meal or plate, anyway i decided that it is 2011 and i am going to gain weight to be 160 by the end of the year combine with eating more and working out, but im scared that my new eating habits of finishing large meal will rupture my stomach because it isnt used to eating 5 meals a day like i plan to, when i get real full i get this feeling like any sudden move will rupture my stomach and i will die plus i get wierd feelings down there at the same time. am i crazy or how much food in plates do you think i can eat and not die, please answer because it will make me so happy to have your support and the confidence to eat!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Men only please ..........?

He seems normal to me ,he may be concerned with work place dating , some company's frown upon it. Good luck

Situation with friend and her husband?

Recently I went out with a close girlfriend who's husband is starting up a business. I believe he will do well eventually, but in the meantime my friend, her husband and their 2 year old have moved in with her mother as neither have any income. It has been like this for 3 years now. My friend tells me every time I talk to her how hard her life is. She really gets angry at her mother and husband and really wants him to go and get an interim job until the business is more profitable. I do agree with her and we discussed this over the dinner. He won't get a job because there is nothing that he really wants to do. He has also borrowed from another friend for the business capital and is also in debt elsewhere. My friend has health problems from the stress. I ended up saying too much about the situation, but it was all said in their own interests. Her husband is nearly 50 and I said he needed to grow up and take responsibility for her and his son. As soon as I said it I knew it was too much. She went home and told him and also that I bitched about him all night and put her in a bad mood. Basically I felt like I had taken the fall for her. She said he never listens to what she says and I can't help but feel she used me to make him take notice. She said they nearly broke up after that night. I apologised for anything I said and spoke to him and sorted it, but I have not spoken to her yet. What should I do? What should I say?

How do you know when your spleen has been ruptured?

I had mono (or glandular fever) symptoms in the last week of May, and today I've started to feel pressure behind my left rib cage where my spleen is. I walk a around a lot, but I don't want to do any strenuous work for a few more weeks because I don't want to rupture my spleen. But could it already be ruptured? Right now, it feels like my spleen has expanded a lot.

History, most of these i know, others i'm unsure, any help please?

I'm sorry but this history test is to determine what you have learned not how much I know. The answers to all of these are available in your text book as well as on-line,. I suggest that you do you own research.

Spleen pain years after injury?

JD I also ruptured my spleen while riding a horse. I to was in ICCU for 7 days and on a general floor for another two days, they also never removed my spleen. For the past 5 years my spleen has been happily producing insulin until now. I swear to god as I'm sitting in front of this computer my throat and spleen is also in pain. When you were younger do you remember being adopted? I was born as a twin and for the past two years I've been scouring yahoo answers to search for my other half. Today I think I found it. You, JD, you are my other half. Welcome Brother, welcome. I shall contact you soon. Happy days are here again...

Confused??? is the hymen broken?? girls plzzzz?

galzz i m veryyyyyy confused.... actually once aftr enjoying a ride in an amusemnt prk,, the time i wz geting down, 'that part' wz ruptured n i got badly hurt, i had pain, that time i wzn't even aware of this hymen thing...aftr like 10 min i started bleeding which lasted like a normal period for 4 or 5 dayz.. nw i m nt sure whethr that wz my period or it bleeded because i got hurt.. i m damn confusedddd...

How long does it take for a toenail to fall off?

I have this kind of weird toenail/toenail cuticle problem with both of my big toes. My doctor says that some yeast probably got underneath my cuticles and ruptured them but im not really sure what the actual problem is. Whatever it is, it turned my toenail yellow and my toes (the 2 big ones with the problem) are now swollen. They both pus and sometimes bleed if something/someone steps on them. So i was wondering, how long will it probably take for the nails to fall off? And how long will it take for them to grow back? Thank you!(:

Could sharp pelvic pain have been a ruptured ovarian cyst?

On the third day of my period, I had a sudden attack of really strong pelvic pain and cramping and bright red vaginal discharge with lots of little dark clumps (normally it's really dark red). The cramps felt like 9cm dilation during labor! My family took me to the emergency room and after a pelvic exam and ultrasound, the doc was left scratching his head - he said I didn't have any cysts, and the blood pregnancy test came up negative. I refuse to believe it was nothing - it was horrible and very real! Could it have been a ruptured ovarian cyst? Anyone else have an experience like this?

The opening lines of the poem BEAUTY are:?

'I was at a friend's discussing means and ends'... Can someone tell me the poet's name and upload the complete poem as I have forgotten it.

I'm in the military, and I've been told I may have ruptured my quad. anyone have information on this injury?

I'm trying to find out the likelihood that this could end my career. I'm really scared that this will end everything I've worked for over the last 2+ years, and I'll be left with nothing. Thanks for your help!

I'm feeling a little worried about my job, should I go back?

You done the right thing but before you did you shouldn't have let it go so long and should have reminded her that she is only a Temp. I would not leave the job because of her as she is only a Temp, is there a supervisor you could talk to in private for advice. It could be very hard to get another job and if you do they will want a previous work reference? Good luck.

He ended our 2.5 year relationship, will no contact work?

You are only 21 Cherry and I would not hold out too much hope with a coward like he was.He is not a man.He could not even tell you to your face that he wanted to finish the relationship.What else is he frightened to tell you? He has got another g/f/!! If I was you I would put it all down to experience and get on with your own life.I know it is hard but certainly better than getting married and then a divorce.I certainly would not text him.If he wants to discuss things with you,make him do it face to face,meanwhile get out there girl,enjoy yourself and who knows what tomorrow might bring.Good luck

Should I get a Medtronic spinal cord neurostimulator for my chronic back pain?

(I can't give any information from experience, but our surgeons put them in a lot for their chronic back pain patients, and they seem to work for them. From my research, instead of the pain signals, it sends a tingling feeling instead. I also talked in detail with one guy who had 2 placed, in different places, and he said it was the best decision he made.)

Western Civilization 1 to 1715?

Using specific Islamic authors, discuss some central features of their world view such as attitudes toward science, medicine and social relations...

What was the Founding Fathers' definition of freedom and liberty?

I think maybe you should read the book instead of posting JCCC online homework questions on here that are really easy for the teacher to find.....

Can i get pegnant if my appendix ruptured?

wen i was 11 my appendix ruptured and im not sure if im able to get pregnant. Me and my fionce have been tryin for a couple of months now. This month my period came about a week late, so i took a pregnancy test and it read negative. Then about 4 days later my period shows up. Is it because my appendix ruptured?

Am I in the wrong about this situation?

Oh just go to the person above her in the co. and talk. Be civil, measured and professional and just get some heavyweight on your side. ****-holes are in every work situation.. rise above, don't let it consume your mind/life and remember some perspective generally :) Best wishes mate.

A web site to get UN speeches?

I need a web with an archive of speeches done by delegates of different countries in the UN. Also speeches done at the Commission of Narcotic Drugs... Please help

How easy is it to rupture a testicle?

Like, how much pressure does it take? Sorry for the brutal question, guys. xD I take krav maga, and we were discussing how much pressure it takes to break various body parts. My friend and I got into an argument over how easy it is to crush a human testicle. He says they're no tougher than grapes, but I disagree. Professional opinion por favor?

What was Jefferson's point of view in this quotation? CALLING ALL HISTORY EXPERTS!!?

This letter is from Jefferson and states his views. He wanted freedom of religion to be guaranteed. He knew that religious persecution had driven many people out of Europe and to the New World, starting with the Puritans. He knew that different areas had less tolerance of other religions, even in North America. He believed that the US constitution did guarantee these rights and that it also only gave the Federal government those powers which were explicitly granted in writing. All other authority was to be reserved by the states, in his view. The problem with assuming that the various states have sovereignty that is somehow superior to that given to the federal government is illogical. Once any body cedes the type of powers granted to the federal government by the ratification of the constitution, it can not take that power back. The power to tax is the power to rule. You cannot tax without having the power to enforce taxes.

Cooling issue in 1995 Ford econoline 250?

The radiator isn't going to rust that quickly, but it is a 15 year old truck. Park it on a clean space & leave it run, & see if anything is dripping... Also, after you dump the coolant, keep the expansion tank topped-off. Check it every day or two, & fill it as needed, until it doesn't drop. Once you have filled the radiator, don't pop the cap again, just the expansion tank.

Does he still have feelings for me?

So I met this guy thru a mutual friend a few months ago. We had a bit of a fling going on. We both cared about eachother but it was bad timing because I had just gotten out of a bad relationship and not ready for another one and he knew that so we decided to just be friends with benefits. We have never slept with eachother, we discussed it but he said despite him wanting to he wasn't going to because I meant more to him then just sex and he knew I wasn't the type of girl that just hooked up with people which is something he liked about me. Anyway now that we are just friends he still sometimes acts like he likes me and I really am afraid to get attached to him again. We talk everyday, we make future plans to go to concerts and such, he has called me beautiful, told me that I impress him, told me that I could rock this tiny dress and flirts with me and lately we have hung out alot, about every day which is not normal for him to do. However the past two times we hung out he had brought two different of his ex girlfriends. One of them he ended up in a fight the next day with and the other one I think he thinks im jealous of cause we had a fight and I got mad and said he slept with her, so I don't know why he is bringing his ex-gfs around. also, i heard him say to a friend the other day that he was ready to settle down after the summer and he knows what girl he wants. I don't know but I have a feeling it could be me because he never mentioned this girl before and he wouldn't give her name or much details while I was standing there but he doesnt really talk to any other girl like he does with me so I don't know. I guess I just want to know how to tell if he still has feelings for me and thinks of me in that way or he has moved on and we are just friends.

My new boss is a confused man! Please help!?

I started a new job a month back. I was hired as a team leader in the PR department. Now initially while recruiting, my new boss painted a very rosy picture about my role etc. But when I got in, I found dynamics are quite different. There is another lady in the department who is junior to me and who is supposed to report to me. The only thing is that she knows the organization as she has already been there for the last 1.5 years. Now the boss depends on her for everything and gives me the only things which she cant do. He doesnt give me enough work and i sit twiddling my thumbs thro the day....meanwhile every one refers to this lady in case of all issues.....and the boss asks her to delegate the work to me..!! I am sick of this place! the guy is a confused person who doesnt know what he is doing! Help me what should i do? Is leaving the job a good idea? I feel like an idiot here! I tried telling him but he doesnt seem to understand!

I am now self!?

my boyfriend and i were discussing our pasts and we spoke about this girl who he used to be friends with and he said "oh i wanted to see her boobs" and i was like geee thanks joking around whatever. so then i was like did you wanna see mine?! still joking around and he was like yessssss and i was like howd they do. and he basically said they werent what he was expecting they look better/bigger in a bra. ive always been so self conscious about my breasts. its something that honestly kills my confidence. and hes like see this is why i cant tell you anything. so now im afraid that if i show him im hurt he'll start to go back to his old ways and be dishonest again. what do i do? im litterally crying while im typing this i need help pleaseeeee

In the GWOT who is responsible for countering ideology? And what have they done?

Which Department/Agency/task force has been delegated the responsibility to counter Ideology?? What is their strategy?

Pain in lower right abdomen...again?

2 weeks ago, I started having horrifying pain in my lower abdomen, accompanied by heavy vaginal bleeding (after my period was a week late). I waited 3 days before going to the hospital, when the pain became too unbearable. They ran every test possible, blood, urine, internal and external ultrasounds, cat scan, internal exam, pap smear and colonoscopy (I have Crohns disease, and they wanted to look and be sure it wasn't that). He suspected appendicitis due to the location of the pain, but I had no sign of infection in my blood nor signs of problems with my appendix on the scans. The doctor was a bit baffled, as not only did nothing look wrong, but all my tests showed I was in fact in excellent health. He said it may have been something called a chemical pregnancy, where I miscarried before it even had a chance to attach itself, but that was his only possible reason for the pain and bleeding. It subsided by that Sunday, and I felt fine last week. This morning, the pain returned in the same area, just as intense as before, and came out of the blue again (no bleeding this time though). This time, however, if I lay flat on my back, you can feel a very swollen something (I'm guessing a lymph node?) on the lower right side near my hip. It is beyond painful to touch. My breasts have also become so sore it hurts when the rub against my bra or shirt. I'm am now 99.999999% sure this has to be something to do with hormones or my female parts. I have had ovarian cysts before that have ruptured and caused similar pain and funny female problems, but in the hospital, they saw no sign of them when the did the ultrasounds. Before I go back and look like a hypochondriac after being told I was in perfect health 2 weeks ago, what might be going on? Anyone have similar symptoms? I'm looking for things to suggest my doctor look for. I'm well in tune with my body, and there is something very wrong, even if it's hiding from the standard tests.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

No contact and no response to my texts?

I met a really great guy almost 3 years ago and we were a really great match. He was and is still a great guy. However, I broke up with him and tried to work things out with an ex. In March we began talking again and have since then. I've had a difficult because with his job he is out of town all the time. We both live in Austin and he's working in Houston. We've only been able to see one another 4 or 5 times since March. He has made it very clear that with this current project he's not even supposed to have his cell phone in the building. Needless to say, he rarely responds to my texts or will say "boss here." About a week and half ago he was asking I truly loved him and I said yes. He asked what I would say if he asked me to go to Vegas and marry him. I said in time I would as soon as my kids understood that this was going to work and how much we love one another. I said in a year or so and he said "Well, start getting those things in order and be prepared." We went on and on and then of course he went back to work Monday before last (9 days ago) and the convos started getting shorter. Well, now I haven't heard anything from him since last Wednesday. I sent a couple texts and haven't attempted to try again since Friday or Saturday with NO response. I just don't understand how he's discussing marriage and then blow me off. He's not the type to have someone else and/or play games. He's a NO DRAMA guy. He is going to be 40 in a week and has never been married, has no kids and has never lived with anyone. Is he trying to tell me something or is it just that he's not used to having to "check in" so to speak? I just feel like giving up on a great guy but don't want it to be a misunderstanding. PLEASE HELP???!!!

I am in trouble. Someone please help me?

The whole situation sounds weird. If you're thinking about dating him, I wouldn't because he sounds shady when he ditched you at lunch. I would also wonder why he asked about your home address unless you know it was strictly for work. And as far as him arranging a guy for you to get married, unless you're desperate to get married, I would tell him you can find someone on your own.

Hosting a Baby Shower, How Do You Handle?

It is more trouble, but I say do the receipts. It wouldn't be right for one person to spend $100 on a cake while the next woman just buys napkins.

Should Islam be outlawed?

It shouldn't be outlawed, but all of its immoral teachings should be ignored (like the Bible's mostly are).

Single mother of a 10yo boy. Books on puberty help plz?

Don't know ny offhand but one thing that is often left out are the chemical changes within a boy.Testosterone especially. Causes sudden outburst of violence, rage, and assorted other physical reactions. It's very important for them to learn how to redirect these surges or they turn into that older teen, young adult. That strike first and ask questions later.

What does the persecution of Christians in Afghanistan stem from?

I am writing a paper for my multicultural issues class discussing the persecution and execution Christians face in Afghanistan. I realize that it is illegal for anyone to worship the Christian God but where does that stem from and why are those rules in place? I am not trying to persecute anyone for their beliefs, just trying to understand the history a little better. Thank you!

10 points for honest answer?

he is intrested in you.. get more thing abt him and get close to each other.. if he is nice man and u like him get him as partner.

Pressure headache for 4 days. Rebound headaches?

protonix is an effective med for treatment of GERD which is strictly to be taken with apple juice or apple sauce

I just dreamt i was cycling towards town (but really towards our family cabin) with some guy i didn't know?

We were discussing product placement of all things when in front of us we saw the back of a huge polar be arr. we turned around and i said "two teenagers set bicycle world record" jokingly. but then i wasn�t sitting right on my bike and i had a glass in my hand and i just got this really bad feeling before i woke up. I don't know if i believe in dream interpretations but i�m awake now so any suggestions?

Anxieties about parenting in the future due to condition?

aww you sound very sweet. i hope you find someone to love and children to take care of. you can truly do anything you set your mind to

Have I ruptured my ear drum?

I dont remember how or the direct moment it happened, but I was just sitting down at the computer next thing I notice is that me right ear is muffled. I tried all those tricks to relieve ear pressure and nothing worked so I went to thing maybe itll pass but it's still hear. I cleaned my ear and nothing happened! Right now I can barely hear out of it. It has that quite sound like if you close both ears you'll hear what I hear. Is this permanent? :(

PLEASE help! am i pregnant?

My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex 2-3 weeks ago, and we used the pull out method. About 3 to 5 days ago, my breasts became really sore... more than when i get my period. i should have been on my period this month from either 20th-30th. i should have started on one of those days. i never keep track of my period, and my period is usually irregular. i have been stressed and worried a lot. all i have felt is sore breasts and my stomach kinda hurts. that's it. please no mean comments, i really need your help. please. i am 17 years old. oh and if this helps, i had to go to the hospital nearly 2 months ago because i had an ovarian cyst that ruptured. my doctor wants to put me on birth control due to my irregular period. i have not seen my doctor for over a month. please help me.

Pain in lower right abdomen.?

I've had pain in my lower right side, for about 3 weeks now. I have been to the hospital and the doctor multiple times, but they haven't done much. They thing it may be a cyst that ruptured, but this doesn't add up in my mind. If any of you have had this before or have an idea what it may be, please help. Im not looking for a diagnoses, I would just like an idea.

Feeling scared to go back to work tommorrow, did I do the right thing?

You must sit down with your boss and in no uncertain terms describe all you have written here. This woman is a real haunt isn't she. She thought she could boos you around and, let's face it, you let things go to long and she got comfortable making you do her bidding under the guise of your "helping out." Explain to your boss that you are a team player but she is taking major advantage and she is starting to say things which may even have a threatening air about them.

I have this really werid feeling like...?

dreams are reflections of what is going on inside of our minds and also a means of problem solving and analyzing things in one's life. you said "im dying to get a boyfriend for a while now". That says it all, it has been on your mind. It may mean you dont feel like there is a large pool of eligibles where you live and you are open to finding love anywhere you go. This dream probably peaked your hopes of meeting somebody. So just take away the hope and openness you are feeling about finding love and like many things that fall into our laps when we arent looking; it will find you,

Home treatment after removing a foxtail from my dog?

My dog had a foxtail stuck to the right of her butt. Thought it was a ruptured anal gland, but it was higher than the anal glands and my boyfriend saw a foxtail in there so he was able to push it out. This happened right before we were going to take her to the vet for a ruptured anal gland (so we thought), so I'm glad we figured it out. Now I was wondering what to do about the wound. It is like a cyst that ruptured when we squeezed the foxtail out. She's not in pain from appearances, and I was wondering what would be a good home treatment for the wound? For now, I've applied triple antibiotic ointment and wrapped a little handkerchief around her bottom to prevent her from licking the area. I've also shaved her bottom to prevent poo from sticking to the hair and infecting the wound. Is there anything else I need to do? Maybe like washing the wound regularly or something like that? From what I read online about foxtails, once the foxtail is out, the wound should heal up in a few days. Thanks!

Do most men find their pregnant girlfriends/wives hot?

If they love them yes or at least I would! I'd also probably be Uber protective! But thats just me!... were not all the same. :/

Pain after rupture ear drum has healed?

My 4 year old ruptured her ear drum 3 weeks ago. I took her to an ENT today and they said everything looks great. There is no more rupture and no infection, but my daughter still gets sharp pain in her ear. She is even waking up in the middle of the night in pain. Is this normal? The ENT didn't think twice about it, but I am concerned. Any thoughts??

DLA medical I've just had ?

i assume you had a medical with the atos doctors, if you did you'll need all the luck in the world as they tell everyone there's nothing wrong with them even if you're seriously ill. go and look at this website, benefits and work forum. when you go in go into the forum which is on the left in green, then look at the questions and answers. you will find invaluable the info it gives and these sort of problems you are asking from peoples experiences. you can also read about dla and learn an awful lot.

Question for medication expert - what do you suggest I take?

easy for me to say but your best bet is to stop your medications and try to hel yourself to overcome your anxieties perhas with a self hel group! as for the pains and joints roblems thay could be caused by your medication?

What types of questions should i ask?

We have to E-mail 3 delegates from Minnesota. Well this is completely out of my comfort zone anybody have questions i could ask, please??

Discuss the qualities required for editing such as attention to detail, patience, organization, and so on, and?

Discuss the qualities required for editing such as attention to detail, patience, organization, and so on, and describe how you can strengthen the qualities necessary to edit well and to improve the quality of your written work.Is it an easy process or challenging one for you?

HELP!! Watery discharge from ear after hurting self with q-tip.?

I went to see the doctor and he said the eardrum was not rupture but i still feel it clogged and there is watery discharge. The doctor prescribed medication for pain and infection but i was wondering how long until i feel better and no discharge

Tramadol causing headaches, ear pain, jaw pain?

Been taking Tramadol for several ruptures discs and pain from Cervical fusions. I have had lots of headaches with ear pain recently and I'm beginning to wonder if it's from the Tramadol. They're miserable causing my whole left side of my head to hurt and be very very sensitive. Has anyone had this type of problem while taking Tramadol. I didn't take it for several hours and the pain in my head and ear improved drastically. Im confused how something for pain can cause pain if this is the problem. I don't know if I need to ask my doctor to change Tramadol to something else or not..Help! Anyone know anything about this problem??Thank you!!

In the GWOT who is responsible for countering ideology? And what have they done?

Which government agency/dep/task force has been delegated the role to counter extremist ideology? Is it from the top?? What has been done?

Should I write a letter apologizing, or leave it alone?

My friend was forbidden to talk to me, and I really miss her. So I was thinking of writing a letter to her mother explaining why I am sorry, though technically it wasn't my fault. What happened was I told her I had mono and I could die from it. I was diagnosed by a physician and everything, and if your spleen swells up, and a force makes it rupture, you could die. She started crying. Her mom called me a drama queen and said that you could die from a splinter, but you couldnt die from mono. I told my mom, and my mom got furious, and said we couldn't talk. I called her one last time, and she started crying. Her mom said I made her an emotional wreck that past week, and she needed to hang up the phone. A week later, when I tried to call her because I could talk again, her mom won't let me talk to her. I want to write a letter apologizing, but then again I feel as if it's not my fault. But I really want to talk to her, and I don't know what to do.

Anatomy question. mesenteries and peritoneum.?

When the spleen ruptures, the blood goes into the peritoneal cavity. If you have a hole in the anterior wall of the stomach, the contents would leak into the peritoneal cavity. A hole in the posterior wall of the stomach leads to the lesser sac. The greater omentum can't really rupture. There are blood vessels in it, and if they bleed, they do so into the peritoneal cavity or within the greater omentum itself. If the small intestine ruptures, it usually does so into the peritoneal cavity. It is also possible for it to have a contained rupture into the mesentery. The duodenum (which is the first part of the small intestine) will generally leak into the retroperitoneum or the lesser sac. A urethral injury just goes into soft tissue in the pelvis. The urethra is the tube that empties your bladder. When you get to the urethra, you are pretty much completely outside of the abdominal cavity.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can i get ppregnant? Help?

I just had sex with my boyfriend of 1 year, we used a condom, though it wasnt ruptured, but we used an emergency contraceptive too. Can I get pregnant? What should I use instead of an emergy contraceptive?

How would you describe the style of the singer Lights?

is she like hipster chic or kind of a scene without the hair/excessive candy colors. i dont know a friend and i were just discussing it the other day. thanks :)

Hydrocodone addiction!!! HELP PLEASE!!!?

I'm 15 and my doctor gave me hydrocodone for a ruptured kidney from football. I was on it for about 2 months 3 times a day 20mg. I didnt think about it untill my doctor took me off it. Now its all I can think about. Help is this addiction? What can I do???

I really need your help bad ......?

Go to HR and file harrasment on him.. ooh you just like him, just do it at the copy room.. Both of you're not professional on what ya'll doing.

How long is the discharge/pus drainage from a ruptured ear drum supposed to last?

I have been dealing with a ruptured ear drum since last wednesday and the pus drainage has gone from brown to red to reddish yellow to yellow. I am on amoxycillin so I don't know if its a full blown infection.

Question about office courtesy?

i'm the little fish in a small office--i'm the youngest by far, paid the least by far, i've been there for the shortest amount of time, and everyone delegates down to me. if there is birthday cake set out on the table in the kitchen am i allowed a piece?

I had a ruptured ovarian cyst and found out I was 2-3 weeks pregnant. Will this cause a miscarriage?

Im bleeding as well, lighter than a period. Has anyone been pregnant and had this happen and everything be OK? Please let me know. Thanks so much!

I want to be diagnosed!?

You can't get diagnosed without a doctor in human. Just talk to your pediatrician and he/she will give you and idea of what you need.

My period is late, what do I do?

wierd cravings and crankyness are symptoms of both pregnancy and your period. since your period is only 2 days late, its most likely that it will be your period. and its completely normal for your period to come late or not on time. its also normal to skip a whole month or two without your period. but that happens mostly when your in your early years of your period. and if it happens durring adult hood, its very rare. depending on how long ago you had sex, would depend on if its a baby or just your period. you can only get pregnant if you have sex while you have your period because one of your eggs drops to be firtilized. and when its not firtiliezed, it created the blood flow. thus is called the period. you normally wouldnt have these cravings or mood swings within the first few months of pregnancy anyway. dont worry. take the test just in case. if it is a baby. there are options. keep the baby, put it up for adopption when its born, abortion....many options. you could also tell your husband and family and decide whether or not your ready. if you decide your ready and you want to have and keep the child, im sure you'll make a very loving and caring mother. i hope i helped:) good luck!

He doesn't want to talk as much anymore.?

I met this guy at school. And we had a connection. We spent every day together from when we met. Well school is out now and things are different. We live a couple hours away from each other so I can't see him everyday like I use to. It seems like my feelings have grown while his has fade. Since being home he went from calling abt 2 or 3 times a day everyday to only once a day and it being at the worst hours (after 1 am AT LEAST). I catch him on fb chat but he is unfocused and uninterested in me-and the conversation doesn't last long(same as on the phone).When I do call,he doesn't answer or really call. I get attention from other guys but i want it FROM HIM!!!. It bothers me because I want to talk to him,but he seems so distant now. We've discussed this before. He says that its not the same because We're not physically together. But why have my feelings only grown and I wanna talk more and his only seems to have faded and he not want to talk more..i think its just an excuse of him. I tell him that i miss him and i think about him but he just replies "aww" and i have to ask him if he misses me and stuff. Sometimes he say he does adn other times he says he's had other stuff on his mind. Recently he's told me he doesn't because he feels like i am near him,what is up with THAT?.What can i do to make him want to talk..act the same to me more like he use when were physically around each other? IS it me?

Presidential Elections?

What happens during presidential primaries and caucuses? Is the official candidate chosen or are delegates chosen? If delegates are chosen, what do they do?

Any ideas on what to do with an inherited house?

My brother and I will be inheriting our parents house in the future and we are making a family trust. He wants to discuss this matter before the trust is made so it will say specifics in the trust so there are no questions about who gets what and so on. Anyway, the property and house, that my dad built, sit on 3 acres, and it is paid off. Any ideas of what we could do with this inheritance?

My boyfriend brought up how upset he was about something dealing with his ex-girlfriend..HELP?

Me and my boyfriend of 3 weeks were walking and talking, and he brought up this one festival (that was like a month and a half ago) that he went to that was in our town and he said that he was very angry that day, and was angry about it for days and he had to vent to his friend Andrew about it for hours. I asked him why he was mad and he said that it was something his friend John said about someone. Right as he said that I knew what he was talking about, although he didn't know that I know. I know from another friend that he was angry that day because his friend John said something really disrespectful about his then-girlfriend, who is also one of my good friend's. So, I pretended to not know what it was that John said that made him angry that day and I'm just like "Tell meeee" and all that and he's all like "No no, I mean I'll tell you one day.." And I'm just teasing him sorta like "Come onnn. Will you ever tell me?" And he's like "Probably not!" And I'm like "Well, why can't you tell me?" and he's like "Because, I don't think it's something you would feel comfortable discussing." And with that it ended. Ugh, do you think he's still into his ex because he brought it up and was very upset about it back then, and still kind of annoyed that his friend John would say that? Or am I just reading into it too much? thank you!

Is impotence a side effect of inguinal hernia surgery?

I recently had a repair of a repair of inquinal hernia(2nd operation after repair ruptured). I have not had an erection since(5 weeks). Could this be the result of the surgery?

Is this a plot hole in final destination 3 ?

Ok so the victims all got into the coaster, wendy had vision where ashley and ashlyn, knocked frankies camera out of his hand and wrapping itself around the coaster track which set off the ruptured engine to explode and cause the coaster to explode sending it passengers flying off to their deaths. However after Wendy, kevin, ashley, ashly, erin, louis, and ian get off the coaster after the commotion. The roller coaster crash still happens without frankies camera around the track , why is that ?

Constitutional convention help?

Discuss with students the meaning of compromise and consensus and explain their significance to the Constitutional Convention. Explain that the Constitution is often referred to as “a bundle of compromises.” Identify the major compromises (Great Compromise, Three-fifths Compromise, Slave Trade Compromise) and have students read text pages 106-107 to identify the issue and solution for each compromise

Can I access and control the same email address and calender on outlook 2010 from two different computers?

I just got a new laptop and am hoping to still get to to my outlook email, which is on my desktop, without having to use a remote connection or anything like that. just the same program, synced, two computers. is it possible? I read about some 'delegate access' thing but wasn't sure if you then needed another email account too. Any help much appreciated.

How do i treat my cats abscess?

It has already ruptured and I don't have money for a vet. What do I do now? I don't think I'm supposed to just leave it alone. Does anyone know how to treat this from home?

Why did the delegates adopt the Virginia Plan and not the New Jersey Plan?

Why did the delegates need to improve the Article of Confederation in the first place? What was Wrong with it?

Ovarian Cysts?...and Getting Pregnant?

My mother had ovarian cysts and I believe I had one and it ruptured this morning. It was a terrible pain around my left ovary. My belly was bloated and it was an achy pain that seemed to radiate around to my back at times. It lasted about 3 hours. At times it hurt when I would sit down. This is also the day I should expect ovulation as we are trying to conceive our second child (on month 6 of trying). My question is, if this was indeed a cyst rupturing which I am all but sure it was, does this mean I will not be able to conceive this month? I am a little confused as to how ovarian cysts affect your ability to conceive. My mother had cysts but conceived 4 times, but Im under the impression that having PCOS makes it difficult to conceive. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

Are my friends and I insane?

Ok so it all started this year when my friends and I came up with Hoffman Suck-up League. Basically, we would keep track of how much students in our English class sucked up to our teacher. This eventually turned into a scoring system that tracked different methods of sucking up like answering questions, complimenting the teacher, discussing weekend plans, etc. We thought it was so funny too, and we even made fantasy teams like Fantasy Football with a draft where we chose each kid in the class to be on our teams earning us points! We also made May Madness brackets like NCAA March Madness with kids in our class matched up against each other. The funniest part was that we went the whole year without anyone in the class finding out! However, I did happen to let it slip to one of my friends who was not in the class, and I was locked in a closet for 38 minutes as a punishment. Are we insane?

My water appears to have broken but tests show thats not the case. anyone have a similar situation?

You might have just had some urinary incontinence. It can happen at this stage in pregnancy when the baby just smooches your bladder.

DOES IT mean anything if a guy does all this..?? are these act of a person being a good friend??:)?

Since you're 15 I'll assume you don't know what anthropology is (more or less the study of humans in all facets of life). With that in mind you might want to reconsider posting your question in a 15 year old girl room - you'll get better (and less sarcastic) responses.

READ IT OR you will make me WEEP! plz?

I really liked it up until "I felt a tear accumulate in..." and then it got too wordy and then it turned supernatural. Up to that point though, I loved it. Good luck with it :)

When to tell family I'm pregnant- my BF says 6 or 7 months!?

I'd tell them now they r gonna be pissed but the longer you wait the more pissed they'll be. Tell them and see what the have to say:) best of luck

He ended our 2.5 year relationship, will no contact work?

You are only 21 Cherry and I would not hold out too much hope with a coward like he was.He is not a man.He could not even tell you to your face that he wanted to finish the relationship.What else is he frightened to tell you? He has got another g/f/!! If I was you I would put it all down to experience and get on with your own life.I know it is hard but certainly better than getting married and then a divorce.I certainly would not text him.If he wants to discuss things with you,make him do it face to face,meanwhile get out there girl,enjoy yourself and who knows what tomorrow might bring.Good luck

What the heck is going on with the dems?

.....Weiner, Hastings D-FL, Blagovich, Massachusetts State Rep Mark J Cusack, Charles Rangel, D-NY, Carolyn Kilpatrick D-MI, Bennie Thompson, D-MS, Donald Payne D-NJ, and Delegate Donna Christensen D-VI.

Not 100% sure!!!...thanks?

And if u dont know these that well, what makes you think the people on here are any better. this just shows how americans lack common sense. all u need to do is make study cards and study them, relax and now stress. you also need to avoid things like internet and tv while studing.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.. thoughts?

The girl on the first season of America's Next Top Model said that when she didn't want to pose nude.

Is it just sex, or is it possible that he likes me?

Been casual friends with this guy for 2 years. I have always had a crush on him and he knows it. We are both recently divorced and I was hoping I would get a shot, but he ended up with a girlfriend pretty quick. However we have started sleeping together, we flirt constantly and he invites me to stay the night at his house. The girlfriend doesn't live in town. I don't know how serious they are, but she has met all of our mutual friends and they "love" her. He fixes my car, my lawn mower, we send naughty text to each other all day. I guess my problem is that I'm heavy and she is a tiny little thing, and I may be paranoid, but I feel like he has the "show" girlfriend and the "no show" sex buddy. None of our friends know we're sleeping together, and we never discuss it in any public place. We are either at his house our texting. Is this just a total sex thing??? Should I stop waiting to see how long this girlfriend will last?

Movie where hot chick has a tail?

I remember from watching Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments, one of them was this guy dancing with a girl at a night club and suddenly she has a tail, one of the people discussing the movie described it as a lizard tail. I didn't look all that scary to me, but I'm interested and was hoping someone knows what the movie is called?

Friday, July 15, 2011

What is the name of all the delagates involved with confederation?

I am studying Canadian Confederation, but i cannot find the names of all the delegates. I would like to know all the confederation delegates and the colony they belonged to. Thanks!

What's the best college I can get into?

Nobody but the college can answer this question. Many colleges consider all different things with acceptance. Some consider your GPA others consider extra curricular. I had a much higher GPA then my friend & he got into the school I wanted to get into to why....because they saw he did more community service then me....Weird right??? It really depends ojn the school. Just apply and see where it lands you. I'm sure you won't get too many rejection letters though from the sounds of it ;) good luck!

Flying with Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm?

I am planning on going to go from Los Angeles, California to Baltimore, Maryland. I have a Thoracic (ascending aorta) Aneurysm of 4.3 cm with a bicuspid aortic valve. I had not considered the fact that there might be a risk of rupture of my ascending aorta and its the last day before my flight. Is there a significant risk of my ascending aorta rupturing due to the high amounts of systolic blood pressure that develops during takeoff/landing of an airplane or not?

Need advice friends----how to deal with this guy?

Ignore dont let it get to u!! In a couple of weeks u wont have to deel with him. Stay focoused in ur work an dont let that bother u

Discuss the correct way of transfering liquids from a container using a pipette?

first, get a small beaker, probably a 100ml beaker.. Pour in sufficient amount of the liquid from the container to the beaker. Then use the pipette to obtain the specific volume from the beaker. Transfer the liquid from the pipette to the appropriate glassware.. hope this helps (^_^)

Can someone explain this article to me? (Cuba and Fidel Castro)?

Castro is the leader of Cuban revolution, but because he's old, he has to designate someone who can take his place... It's just like party leaders taking turns in being the spokesmen of their parties.

How should I remove my facial hair?

I began to get facial hair on my chin in my teens and I panicked and shaved it - bad mistake because it grew back thicker. What I usually do is pluck the hair from my face with eyebrow tweezers. It's cheap and I have smooth skin for about a week. It'll take some patience to get every single hair out but for me personally it's the most effective method.

What is it meant by "complimentary" here?

That means something " on the house" meaning it is added in the package or whatever you are doing, for free.....simply it means you get a half-day city you for free..........I would also like to warn you that there are a lot of scams so be careful where you put you money

What is it with Ron Paul?

Some polls put him in first place, others don't even consider him a major candidate. He raised the most money online in 2008 (or something like that), but ended up finishing an extremely-distant second. He has a lot of grassroots support, but almost never wins anything. And in primary elections he almost never wins more than a few delegates. Is he, like, being ignored?

How can I change which security program checks articles I want to download from my e-mail?

The new version of Yahoo mail uses Norton, which is not my delegated security program. I use Avira Anti-Virus and the older version always used that. Norton, which I don't use is not updated, so I am afraid of getting a virus.

Will the GOP establishment "lock out" the Tea Party from the nominating process in 2012?

I mean will the GOP party bosses and super delegates etc. force the party to nominate a mainstream Republican candidate and thereby "lock out" the Tea Party's favorite candidates such as Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, and Michelle Bachmann?

Why did VA House of Delegates Clerk Bruce Jamerson commit suicide today?

I agree with KellyG that there will be speculation, since the media is reporting there was no note. There are often typical reasons that people take their lives. Marital infidelity, fear of an impending investigation or arrest for misconduct, double life, embezzlement, self loathing, terminal illness,....and the list goes on. As someone in a helping profession I can attest to the fact that there is no one answer to "why does someone take their life?" The reasons are as vast and diverse as there are people. What is so perplexing is when someone who appears (and that's a key issue...appears) to have his or her life in order decides to commit suicide. People can't understand the old saying that "most men lead lives of quiet desperation." Bruce Jamerson was a gracious, educated, intelligent and kind gentleman. That's the exterior people experienced. Perhaps none of us has a clue as to what was REALLY going on inside. Maybe he was a major control freak...everything neat and tidy. Actually I would have to say that is a given. Perhaps in the middle of all that there may have been something very untidy that he simply could not deal with, and he saw as the only way out the ending of his life. I can only feel sadness at his passing, but not the blame for not being there for him. That is the big difference between genuine FRIENDS and mere acquaintances. The true friends are few in life, though we may have loads of people pass for friends but are just acquaintances. He chose to be thoughtful and send cards and notes to just about everyone. Most people don't do that. It was a gracious gesture, but seeing it now in retrospect, who knows why he did that? To be liked? To be held in high regard? Or simply to be kind. We may never know. Regardless of what, if anything may be revealed in the days ahead, I hope that he will always be remembered for being the gentleman that he was.

Ladies, have you ever discussed your husband looking into penis enlargement?

If so, was it to increase your pleasure or was it because you thought it might help with his self-esteem/confidence? I'm curious if guys are the only ones who think about looking into enlargement. Thanks!

Why do you think Americans don't know the true meaning of DEMOCRACY & never will living under a Republic?

Most Americans don't know where their state capital is. So, of course, most Americans will never understand much of anything. Even basic civics is lost on most Americans. They don't even have a clue what it means to be a citizen, having rights, responsibilities, and privileges.

If a SP gets delegated to the 'Pen'?

If a SP gets delegated to the 'Pen',and he appears in 92 games and pitches 200+ innings,is he being overworked???

Embarassing body hair question?

i am a 20 year old female and i think i have excess hair growing in my pubic region. i have asked this question before and yes i know that i can shave, wax, etc. but that is not my question. i just want to know if other females have the same issue and i'd like to discuss it with a mature adult female if at all possible.

Should I stay with my spouse or leave him?

i feel as though that life is too short to be unhappy so if you are not happy with being in a relationship with this guy then you should leave and find someone better.... good luck ;o)


So I am going on a double date w/ my current bf & I found out the other couple is my ex bf & his new gf!!! Yeah, I know. Horrible situation. Anyway, I really don't want my bf & my ex discussing things, if u know what I mean so I want to wear like a disguise and/or look different. For ex, I have brown curly hair. But I am going to straighten it & dye it blonde temporarily. My ex has never seen me in makeup so I am going to get my makeup professionally done so it looks different & I am going to wear a super cute dress. I never wore dresses when I was w/ my ex, only jeans. The thing I am wondering is will this be enough or will he still recognize me? The main thing I am worried about is my teeth. I don't have yellow teeth but they aren't the whitest. But they are crooked & I have a huge overbite. They aren't really mistakable. So I was going to use some white strips & make them super white so my ex won't recognize them, but how still how many ppl do u know w/ crooked teeth? Any other suggestions to disguise myself? Will he still recognize me? Plz don't say just to suck it up & go. That would be extremely awkward & I did some things I'm not proud of when I was w/ my ex (nothing extremely bad) but still I don't want my bf hearing about them. Plz help! Thx - 10 pts

Can someone help with this algebra problem?

Three research departments have 8, 9, and 10 members, respectively. If each department is to select a delegate and an alternate to represent the department at a conference, in how many ways can this be done?

Who could possible still support Representative Govt or living under a Kleptocratic Republic?

Seeing as how a "Kleptocracy" would actually be a government OF thieves, I'm surprised that you accuse Republicans of kleptocracy, instead of Democrats who seem to have embraced the format decades ago.

What do the stats in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl mean?

In the game, there are tons of artifacts that have effects on certain attributes to your character. These include "Bulletproof Cap", "Impact", "Chemical Burn", "Rupture", and I think four more. However, in the game, there is no explanation as to what these statistics mean. And spending half an hour searching for an answer didn't help either. Can anybody explain to me what each of these attributes means?

Box turtle has middle ear infection (abscess). Please help!?

You can try calling to other reptile vet clinics nearest you (a href="" rel="nofollow" or a href="," rel="nofollow"…/a or you can try to find an "animal doctor school" and ask if they need a teaching tool/aid reptile for the students who are about to graduate to operate on; it allows the students to get some much needed experience before they get into the animal doctor field. It may be more difficult to find a school/college that teaches about reptile doctoring but if you can find one often times the price of whatever needs to be done is greatly reduced or even free.

Two questions about Japanese stereotypes?

I don't know about the first one, but have you ever SEEN a group of asian tourists? Literally every person has at least three cameras, and they're always chatting excitedly and taking pictures of everything. It's adorable.

What do you think of my story?

I love it. Mostly because I'll read almost anything with vampires and I love that you used my name for it. I know it wasn't intended for me, but I still think it's awesome. But you might need more detail if that's it for the chapter. But other that that, Love It!!!!!

Would an aneurysm "sentinel bleed" or rupture produce a constant headache or an off and on headache?

After vomiting too hard I got a localized pain on the back left lower part of my head. The first time was pretty intense and it lasted for a few seconds. Now I just have a mild, nagging ache that is localized to the back of my head and it seems to only appear if I tilt my head back a certain way, and as soon as I straighten it up it goes away. Has anyone experienced something like this?

How long after a c-section is it recommended to wait before trying to get pregnant again?

I've heard that waiting a whole year is recommended to heal completely and prevent uterine rupture..?

Where were the primary divisions between delegates at the Constitutional convention?

taxation on slaves as well as slaves being counted for the purpose of representation as well as the amount of power the federal government would have. federalist vs anti federalist

Should middle/High schools give out condoms for free to students?

High school should. I went to a catholic high school who promoted abstinence instead of safe sex. Out of 40 graduation girls three have ended up pregnant in my class. Thats about average for each grade level. My college has a basket of condoms when you walk in the health enter.. better safe than sorry.

Do I have a ruptured eardrum?

I ruptured my eardrum when I was six. You would definitely know if it was ruptured because you'd be screaming due to the pain and there would probably be blood running out of your ear. You most likely have wax build-up in your ear which is causing you to have hearing distortion. I would suggest getting some q-tips and cleaning them out really well. Just make sure not to jam the q-tips too far into your ear canal because then you might just rupture your eardrum. If that doesn't work, then I would suggest going to the doctor. Believe it or not, my brother had some hearing problems when he was younger and they found a piece of plastic in his ear that my sister put in there while he was napping a few years earlier. Gross, I know. All the best!

Does a bleeding ear always mean you ruptured your eardrum ?

Sounds like you have a handle on what happened. I would suggest you try cleaning your ears every month or so with an ear cleaner like Debrox. Or you can mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and alcohol. This mix is also very good for swimmer's ear and long earred dogs.( I had a basset and a cocker spaniel.) If a person does not have the wax build up, or for cats, leave out the peroxide. Another thought, sometimes you can get a pimple inside the ear canal that can open up and bleed. Get your mom or dad to look in and see what they can see.

What should i do to win my best friends heart?

So there's this girl and we've been really good friends for probably 4 years now. Im an upcoming junior in high school and so is she. A couple weeks ago we were talking and it lead into a discussion about how we both had deeper feelings for each other. We started hanging out more and it got to the point where we were always holding hands, kissing, and making out(not publicly of course). I felt like things were going well until she went to a party and made out with another guy. We had already discussed our situation and she didn't want any official relationship so I said she could do whatever she wanted to. She said that didn't seem right and insisted on promising me she wouldn't hook up with anyone else. But like I said before she broke her promise and made out with some other guy. The next day she told me what she did and was half sorry and it ended up that she wanted a break. I reluctantly agreed because I can't force her into a relationship. But she said she still had feelings for me and that I was treating her perfect. So we would just be friends for the moment. Whatever. However, yesterday I was with at her house watching PLL (fml I just wanted to see her) and she was all over me leaning on my shoulder putting her legs on me holding my hand forcing my arm around her kissing me on the cheek and I kissed her and she insisted that she didn't kiss me back but it was obvious she did. I am falling for her more and more everytime I see her but she says she doesn't want a relationship and is very decisive that she only has some feelings for me and doesn't want to force anything even though "im perfect" . She's very hard to figure out but I want her to be only mine and not cheat but she kinda wants to hook up with people most likely cuz its summer and there are parties and she likes to drink. Basically I want to win her heart. I know im basically falling in love with her and I think about her all the time (at 2:15 EST) and so I need suggestions on what to do next.please

Help! just had surgery for ovarian cysts a week ago and drs on vacation!!!!!?

I have been in and out of the doctors all months to figure out what's the severe sharp pain in my mid back and my right side would have spasms. First it was a kidney infection and a uti.. got my antibiotics and took that whole prescription like I was suppose to. Next day pains right back. So I go to the doctor again. And then he thought I was sinsitive in my women area and thought it was another infection. He gave me antibiotics again and ordered me to see a gyno asap. So next day I went. And he examined me and I was just really sinsitive. So he ordered a sonagram. So I went the next day and got it. And by this time the pain is unbearable and he looks and sees a lot of fluid around my right ovaries. Then he thinks I have appendicitis and he thinks mu appendix ruptured. So got rushed into surgery. Came back to it. And he told me. I had a ruptured cyst and I was bleeding internally, I'm severely constipated. My livers stuck ( not functioning like it should cause of infections) and I'm probably going to have problems with my liver and my appendix. But my concern is I'm si tired but can't really sleep. My heads killing me, and all that pain I had in my back before I went to surgery is back and worse. I'm getting so irritable and snappy at everyone and no one wants to be around. I don't like this and I just want to be better. But idk what to do cause my Dr. On vacation, and I'm so mad at his nurses for sending me back to work 4 days. Later, and I lift 120 + pound people all day. With 3 places. I have stitches including inside my belly button. Am I still suppose to be in this much pain, and tired, and enraged all the time? I need advice PLEASE HELP! !!!!!!!!

I'm transgender, and I need help on telling my mother?

Okay, uh, I'm 16 and FtM, and I've known it for a while now. I'm just not sure how to bring this up to her. It's not that I'd think she'd have a problem with it, but I'm worried she won't understand. She's made hints and I think she thinks I'm a lesbian, or wouldn't be surprised if I was. One time, and I don't even remember how this was brought up, but she said something like she could see me being the more 'butch' one of the two. And in my head, I was thinking, 'Come on, just take it one step further.' And I know that probably would have been the perfect time to tell her, but I just wasn't ready. Anyway, she's open minded, but we've never once discussed the concept of transgender. And I can't bring i up hypothetically without making it obvious. So, should I just come out and tell her? And how does one bring that up in conversation? I don't want to make a big deal out of it, because I don't even really want to talk about it.

Can someone with a lot of dating experience please help me?

um sorry but this off and on thing happend to me and i just broke up with her cuz i knew we wont ganna be bf and gf for long

So... there's this guy I met on Sunday....?

Just say hi and that you enjoyed speaking to him. Thank him again for the vote. Throw in a couple of personal questions (if you know where he lives ask about weather or sports teams).

I love him so much but can i forgive him?

Move on babe it will just send u crazy u mght be able to fotgiv but u willnever forget u wnt trust him as much and it will tear u apart.

Youth perspective: what do I do with my parents' journals an my desire/hesitation to read them?

I would probably read them, but that's just the way I am. I suggest you take it to Jesus and go with your gut feeling.

Legality of Manmohan Singh as prime minister !?

I do not think there is any legal problem for Dr. Man Mohan Singh but yes morally its incorrect to occupy this seat of power without being a MP from lower house . But merely being an MP from Lok Sabha is not enough morally , a Prime Minister must draw his power from very large sections of people of country . Like Mr. Rajeev Gandhi was a really popular leader , may not be very competent , same was with Atal Bihari Vajpayee , but Dev Gowda Ji , Inder Kumar Gujral were occupying seat in perfect legal manner but had no mass appeal . This is the reason Dr. Man Mohan singh is not perceived as a mass leader , i do not think any one listens to him when he speaks to the nation , because he knows he is not a real leader ,he does not draw his authority from people of India but from Mrs. Sonia Gandhi , but that is how our system works , its just by the way that He happens to be a competent person to some extent , so long he works hard for nation , its ok to have a appointed PM , because elected PM has not done any better than him.

How do I make Doctors listen to me?

Ever heard ''you get what you pay for?'' this is true when it comes to doctors, as well as everything else, I know from experience.I have a similar situation, pain for 14 months.They believed it was all in my head, and told me this for years, until they finally found out i had gallbladder disease.I had surgery, but it didn't help.If you don't have really good insurance, they let you suffer.Most doctors are in it for the money period! You need to go to the ER, it may not do much good, but there's a slim chance, that it might.Once every 10yrs. or so, you might find one good doctor on staff, if you're lucky.

Ex has stopped communication...does this mean he's done?

My ex fiancee and I were together for six years and we have a ten month old daughter together. About a week ago he came to me and he was tired of the fighting and said he didn't love me anymore and for two months he has been thinking about breaking up. He let me take our daughter out of our home and go out of state for a couple months bc I was too heart broken to be around him. I still deeply love him, he knows that, but still let us go. I asked him if he really thought this was the best decision and he said yes bc he doesn't want our daughter growing up in a dysfunctional house. So I left with my daughter on came to my parents house on Sunday, it's now Wednesday and since then we have had minimal contact on Sunday he texted me telling me he had an interview for a job we had been waiting on forever for him to get and then never followed up. Monday I texted him but he didn't respond so I called him and he did respond and we talked for a bit about our daughter but nothing about us. Tuesday and today I have texted him a couple times but he won't respond.....I asked him if I should just move on forget about us and he won't respond. I know he is getting my texts bc he is still talking to his mom, but I am starting to become heartbroken. Our break up came up around the same time he was texting this woman a lot. I asked him to stop but he said it was nothing and I didn't need to worry about it. Since we left before I made it where I can't see who is he talking to he is still texting that woman constantly. I took him off my account so I wouldn't obsess. I said I would give him space bc before I left I asked him after a couple months if we could reconcile and he kept saying he didn't know, wasn't sure of what the future held and he wasn't making any promises. To not talk to him for a day is killing me, and his lack of response hurts even more. We had discussed with our break up to continue talking even if it doesn't involve savannah and suddenly he won't respond. My question is why he is not responding, could he have moved on already with this woman or is his lack of response bc he is doing no contact to try and move on? I talked to his mom and she said since the split he has called a couple times crying about it, but I dont know if it's only over our daughter or also me. She said after I left he called her crying to the point where he couldn't understand him. I am confused bc he made it seem like this was the end, that we would no longer be together and that we could still be good parents to our daughter separately. My heart is broken bc I do love him and want my family back, but this no contact is making me way insecure and that girl he is texting isn't helping either.....I just want him to tell me he's done....whether it's through text or a phone call but he won't. Part of me tells me I just need to give him space and let him think this through but it kills me that he can't see his daughter everyday. So, should I give him space, be available to him when he's ready or should I move on? We have broken up before and within a month and a half we missed each other and got back together. The only reason I haven't bothered him more is bc this break up I am not turning to alcohol to stop the pain, I am being sober and focusing on our daughter. It's just after six years and a child I can't believe he would just stop all communication, I mean he made sure we got here okay, but I miss him and honestly don't want to spend a couple months apart and realize then he doesn't want it to work? What do you guys think?

How do I request a Medical Board in the Army?

Ive been in the Army for over 2 years and during my time in the service I've had to undergo 2 surgeries. One surgery was to repair a torn MCL and the other was to repair ruptured ligaments and tendons in my foot. Since 2009 I've mostly been on a profile of some sort due to those injuries. I was doing physical therapy but it didn't help like they thought it would. Last year I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy, and 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Gout. Both of these conditions put me at a greater risk of heart attack and stroke. So how do I go about requesting to seek a Medical Board?

Why do libs prefer to ask questions about past presidents, and avoid talking about the current one?

It seems they would rather discuss presidents they voted against, than the one they all slobbered over, and voted for.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

No period yet? +Other stuff. Pregnant?

maybe you are far best pregnancy test that worked for ME was the clear-blue digital a little on the expensive side but hey it tells you plain and clear yes or no lol ..and when you take this test use the first morning pee becuz it has a higher hormone that senses if your actually pregnant or not.. and the ciggs this early in pregnancy aren't going to effect the child as much right now .. as long as you stop now that you know there is a possibility of being prego then you should be good .. and running as well as walking in the begining shouldnt even be a problem actually walking is the best form of exersise when pregnant besides sex. and the caffiene in your monster not a problem as long as you dont over do anything you will be fine they told me to eat and drink anything but in moderation. im pretty sure none of your activities effected your baby or nonbaby. thing is... is that you still dont know if your pregnant or not and my mother in law had 6 kids and she has ruputed cysts on her overies as well lol as you can see it didnt stop her ;p but as for a misscarrage no i dont thin i dont think you have anything to worry about :) good luck god bless and i hope i helped :)

How do we know when it's time?

All parents are like that at first, you didn't say how old you are? But sex is more of a spur of the moment thing. I planned it with my boyf the first time we ever did it and it was a bit awkward but then a few years later I had spur of the moment sex and it was great. Just get into the moment and you'll know. Good luck sweetie x

My best friend ever is leaving me. What should I do?

That's what you get for breaking promises about not saying things to other people, it just turns into bitchyness and will never be the same, have fun, in future try learning to keep things to yourself

Sources and Explanations of String Theory?

Can anyone simply explain or share links with me to a website that clearly explains string theory in detail? I was discussing it with my friend the other day and i want to read up on it for myself.

Is it appropriate to request increased compensation?

I was recently assigned a specific set of tasks at work that the office manager usually handles. She is no longer going to be handling these tasks, they've been diverted to the HR department (which I head) and assigned to me as they are managerial tasks that cannot be delegated. This increases my workload by about 50% and as these tasks are time sensitive, will require me to dedicate an entire five-daywork week from the first of every month to them. This requires me to readjust my entire interview and hiring process schedule accordingly and decreases the number of potential employees I can see in a month. Is it appropriate to request an increase in compensation at this time? I am contracted to a 3% salary increase annually, this is not due to come around until November. Just looking for some professional advice. I have never done a request for increase outside of my contract so I am curious about others experience. Thank you!

Problem after sexual intercourse?

Ok so after having sex I noticed I was bleeding.i felt a little nauseous after as well.i dont know what could be the reason of me bleeding.i finished my period a week ago and started having sex the day I was done and I was fine till now.iv had a ruptured cyst about 2 months ago...but I doubt its anything from that.any thoughts?

Why is my dog attacking my other dog?

I have 2 intact female dogs; Basset Hound and Cocker Spaniel. We bred our basset hound over 6 months ago and during her pregnancy she became aggressive about food with our cocker. When we discussed this with a professional they said it should pass once her puppies are gone and her hormones are back to normal. We didn't have any problems with her until a few weeks ago when she again became aggressive again over a few kibbles my daughter put on the floor. Then, this morning I heard growling near our back door and found our cocker sitting waiting to go out and avoiding eye contact with the Basset hound and as soon as I tried to intervene our Basset attacked. It's a lot of noise and growling, but no injuries. She is just coming out of heat. It's so surprising since our BH is so loving and playful and usually is best friends with the CS. I am wondering if we spay them both if the aggressiveness will stop, or if this is something we will need to bring a behaviorist in to correct. I am not a backyard breeder btw so no nasty comments. My BH is registered and all of the health checks were done etc. I am trying to do what is best for my dogs.

Feeling depressed about being treated like an outcast at work?

Be mentally tough. This woman thought whe could bully you and you stopped it. Stick to your guns and people in the office will come around eventually (unless they are all crappy people). If things dont turn around remember you go to work, to do work. Hang out with friends afterwards

Why did Obama say a debt ceiling deal is urgent but then turn down McConnell's invite to talk with Republicans?

Because his objective is to do what he wants, answer to know one and blame the opposition when his vapid ideas go wrong.

I'm 15, and I hate dresses..?

give her a guilt trip and tell her that shes forcing u to b someone ur not, and that why is she doing this to u, because all u want to do is be whoever you want to b, but shes not ven letting you. be like " youve always told me to be myself and now ur makingbe someone im not!"

Any help? Pressure headaches for 4 days. Rebound headaches?

You have no reason to suspect a leaking brain aneurysm & haven't described the symptoms. And as far as an intact aneurysm ("an un ruptured aneurysm."), that HAS no symptoms.

Is an ear infection treated with antibiotics still draining pus after 5 days normal?

I have an ear infection at the moment being treated by antibiotics and cortizone. Doc specifically said that i should use it for 5 days then stop. If the infection (its flu related) does not clear up i should return for a checkup again.

What will happen if 2 states get complete waiver from ALL federal laws?

What is interesting is that if liberals and conservatives were so sure of there ideas, they would allow this to happen. What would be a better way to crush the resistance to government than showing people that not relying on the federal government leads to failure? Every one who pays attention know that without the federal government interfering people would have more money to spend on programs and services that actually work. Allowing a state government freedom from federal authority would lead to the end of the federal government as we know it, and the reintroduction of the federal government as our founding fathers knew it.

Do you think society in the future will judge everyone?

People will always judge people, it's how it works. It's unfair and a bit upsetting but that's how it works love. Though i REALLY hope not anyways. But I can see there point If they do, everything past year 2006 is really making me lose hope in, well you know everything.

Fiance thinks I'm acting strange because of irritation, why?

My fiance and I have been together over eight years. I've always had my yearly check ups, pap smears and STD screenings yearly. Two years into the relationship, I contract bacterial vaginosis. It is sexually transmitted. I've had the same partner which is him and I kept contracting bv for a few months and then it eventually went away with treatment. Now in March I had a reaction I thought was from Vagisil feminine powder because as soon as I stopped using the powder the irritation eased a bit. My fiance from the first week in March until May 8 had beenincarceratedd. My irritation started again in early May. Then it got so severe last week with all the itching and downright unbearable irritation. I told my fiance about it and now he thinks that I've been sleeping around, which I haven't and he thinks I have herpes. I just had a pap smear in March of this year and all was fine. I also had STD screen and no diseases. We would of had our first child together four years ago, but it was an ectopic and my left tube ruptured and I had to have emergency surgery. I don't know what to think but he makes me feel guilty when I haven't even done anything wrong. All I do is work, attend college and back home and maybe shop here and there but that's about it. and I told him about it I have had an STD in my past and told him this when we met. He also told me his sexual history which he said all he contracted was crabs. I don't know where all of this is coming from but it's upsetting me. I don't want to argue with him over this. I visit my dr very regularly. I bet she gets tired of seeing my face! Him on the other hand doesn't go to the dr at all unless it's an emergency. I just don't know? I need some advice on how to handle him when he tries to twist things to make it seem like I'm the one in the wrong about things and I get to feeling like I have to defend myself when I know I've done nothing wrong.

Can taking only oral antibiotics help Ear infection?

my daughter has a bad ear infection with a ruptured ear drum but the ear drops give her much more pain can she heal by just taking the prescribed oral antibiotics the doctor is does not take phone calls on monday and sunday so i can not reach him please help

Can the hemp hurt my cat?/ Serious Answers to serious question!!!!?

I stored my marijuana in the bottom of my fish tank and the bag it was in ruptured, long story short the pot leaked into the fish tank, and my fish got high, that wouldn't be to Big of a problem except my cat ate one of the fish and is drinking the water from the fish tank now, what should i do to get the pot out of my fish tank, and can the hemp hurt my cat???

How to deal with a lack of trust?

If you love him, be patient. It'll be tough, but once it comes out it'll be worth it. Don't give up on the relationship if it means a lot to you.

How should I deal with situation at work?

If you were being harassed at work, then you did the right thing. You should not feel guilty one bit. Who cares if people do not talk to you like they used to. You are there to make a paycheck. not friends.

Americans: Before you cast your vote for president how informed do you feel you are?

D. You can't believe anything a politician says, you have to look at their voting records. Campaign contributions will tell you who they're likely to be doing favors for in the future. Voting by party is no good either, I'm a conservative but just because a candidate has an R by their name doesn't mean they're getting my vote. Just look at John McCain, he's more progressive than some democrats.

How do i know i need to check my apendix before it ruptures?

I'm having a pain on my right hand side close to my stomach last night it was in the pit of the stomach I wouldn't say its excrutiating pain but it is pain

Can Barrack Obama rightly declare victory before the Super Delegates have voted?

Nah he opened the office of the president elect, a mythical office. Perhaps he should tell the truth and tell the world his real beliefs. Oh wait, communism he has already demonstrated. Nevermind.

When People Refer to Democracy, do they really mean Republicanism?

Yeah, that's why people need to understand we live in a Republic. We are ruled by law, not the whims of whatever group decides to gather and protest that day.

Both pupils are small and I have blurred vision in both.?

I woke up this morning and both of my eyes were/continue to be blurry and I just noticed that both pupils are extra small. I don't have any known existing medical problems besides high cholestrol (moderately..and I'm only 25 which I'm not on medication for). I've been up for almost 4 hours and it has only gotten slightly better. I've also used Refresh Optive lubricant Eye drops but it hasn't really helped. I wear both contacts and glasses. I did not drink or do any sort of drugs with in the past 48 hours. I was also just at the eye doctor yesterday to discuss new contacts. Nothing was done besides examining my eyes. (ie my eyes were not dialated at all) It's really concerning me and I'm having a hard time seeing both close up and far away. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Does he still like me?

So I met this guy thru a mutual friend a few months ago. We had a bit of a fling going on. We both cared about eachother but it was bad timing because I had just gotten out of a bad relationship and not ready for another one and he knew that so we decided to just be friends with benefits. We have never slept with eachother, we discussed it but he said despite him wanting to he wasn't going to because I meant more to him then just sex and he knew I wasn't the type of girl that just hooked up with people which is something he liked about me. Anyway now that we are just friends he still sometimes acts like he likes me and I really am afraid to get attached to him again. We talk everyday, we make future plans to go to concerts and such, he has called me beautiful, told me that I impress him, told me that I could rock this tiny dress and flirts with me and lately we have hung out alot, about every day which is not normal for him to do. However the past two times we hung out he had brought two different of his ex girlfriends. One of them he ended up in a fight the next day with and the other one I think he thinks im jealous of cause we had a fight and I got mad and said he slept with her, so I don't know why he is bringing his ex-gfs around. also, i heard him say to a friend the other day that he was ready to settle down after the summer and he knows what girl he wants. I don't know but I have a feeling it could be me because he never mentioned this girl before and he wouldn't give her name or much details while I was standing there but he doesnt really talk to any other girl like he does with me so I don't know. I guess I just want to know how to tell if he still has feelings for me and thinks of me in that way or he has moved on and we are just friends.